Saturday, February 11, 2012


The cupboard in the hall (Pandora's Box) has been opened and the shop bought DVDs removed. There remain 130'ish recorded off the TV tapes, the oldest of which is from the year 1986.
My aim is to chronicle my viewing of these tapes, and keep a diary of what i deem to be important to save and digitize. This won’t include films recorded off the tv, most of which, I am sure, are readily available. My interest lies in old documentaries and interviews of which I know there are many.
I also need to downsize some of my clutter, as I have too much, and lets face it video is kind of defunct nowadays, and cumbersome.

I have just discovered that my video player will not swallow the tape. Tomorrow I will dismantle it and hopefully get it working again, otherwise this blog will be delayed until I can beg borrow or steal a VHS player.

Edit 2.
Spot the deliberate ;-) mistake above ^^